Move to Choose

You will need:
- Prepared statements
- Two A4 sheets of paper and a marker pen
- Blu-Tack
In a church building or room allocate the right hand wall as YES and the left hand wall as NO. If it helps write YES and NO on sheets of A4 paper and stick them with Blu-Tack to the corresponding walls.
- Right wall—YES
- Left wall—NO
- Stay in the middle - no particular opinion or are undecided
Invite the children / young people to stand in the middle of the room then read out the following statements one at a time:
- Going to church helps me to understand how to treat other people
- Going to church helps me to know what to believe about God
- Going to church helps me to find out more about God
- Going to church helps me to say prayers
- Going to church helps me to look after the world
These statements are only samples and you could replace ‘going to church’ with ‘going to our church youth / children's group’.
Ask children / young people to stand where best describes their views. If they don’t have an opinion or are undecided they can stay in the middle of the room.
If it is not possible to move around the room you could do:
- Stand up—YES
- Sit on the floor—NO
- Crouch —no particular opinion or are undecided
You can ask follow up questions to find out why they have chosen to stand where they are. If possible, record their statements. It is important to keep the results as these can then be fed back to the PCC and other stakeholders.