Have your say - under 11s
What happens?

Who might be asked to think about the new vicar?
- Children at church
- Pupils from the local school
- Uniformed groups like Brownies and Cubs
- Children from other local groups
Things you need to know
We are going to meet on:
We will meet at:
The time we meet will be:
Refreshments will be provided.
Your parent or guardian will need to give their permission for you to be involved.
Things to think about
What should our new vicar be like? Here are some questions to think about:
- What does a vicar do?
- What did you like about our last vicar?
- What should our new vicar be like?
- How could our new vicar make church even better for children?
- How could our new vicar help children to know more about God?
- What words would describe your ideal new vicar?
What's going to happen
We'll start at:
- You'll be asked what you think a vicar does
- You'll think about some of the questions about the new vicar (above)
- You'll have the chance to say which things you think are are important for the new vicar to be and what they need to do
Your ideas and suggestions will be given to the team who are in charge of choosing the new vicar.
We'll finish at: