Puppet Say

Page Summary

This activity allows children/young people who don't usually express an opinion have a voice through their puppet.

Good For...

  • Hearing what children/young people think.
  • Allowing children/young people who don't usually express an opinion have a voice through their puppet.

You Will Require

  • Materials to make sock puppets (enough for every child)
  • Some prepared questions


  • Make sure you know how to make a sock puppet. Two sites with instructions are here and here.

What To Do

This could be held over two sessions - one for making the puppets, and the second for the discussion.

  • Make puppets together.
  • Go round and ask the participants to introduce their puppet.
  • Introduce the theme/discussion along these lines, 'If your fine collection of puppets were to come to (theme/activity/church) I wonder what they would have to say about it? Let's ask them.'
  • Ask your questions (there are suggestions below) of the puppets rather than their owners.
  • You (or another puppet) can ask further questions to clarify answers.
  • Have someone outside the circle make notes of what is said.
  • Reflect - what have you learned? How might that feed in to what you (or your church/group) do? Who can help things to change?

Related Questions

What can you tell us about (theme/activity/church)? >

What do you enjoy about (theme/activity/church)? >

What things do you not like doing at your group? >

What things would you like to change about your group? >

What's the most important thing about (name of church/group)? >

Do you ever feel confused / sad at (theme/activity/church)?

What might encourage your friends to come to (theme/activity/church)? >

Do It Differently

  • In 2s or 3s get the participants to put together a short puppet sketch that addresses one of the questions. Perform it for the PCC/group leaders.