Parachute Conversation

Page Summary

This activity includes discussing a few questions on a particular subject by using a parachute and making a parachute mushroom.

You Will Require

  • A parachute
  • Some questions

What To Do

Play a few familiar parachute games to warm the group up. You could even introduce a few decision making games using the parachute.

Explain that you are going to discuss a few questions on a particular subject by making a parachute mushroom. This is done by wafting the parachute in to the air, taking three steps forward and bringing the outer edge of the parachute down over the outside of the group. Everyone then sits simultaneously on the inner edge of the parachute trapping the air inside.

Whilst the air is in the mushroom, ask a question and invite suggestions. The air will eventually seep out of the mushroom. When it does, create another mushroom and ask another question.

Have an adult leader outside of the parachute mushroom recording what the children / young people say. This can then be fed back to the PCC and other stakeholders.

Related Questions

Why do you go to church? >

What do you like about church / your children’s group? >

What do you not like about church / your children’s group? >

What would you change about church / your children’s group? >

What do you think our new vicar should be like? >

What do you think our new youth/children’s worker should be like? >

How do you think your group could connect more with your local community? >

How could you help in (theme/activity/church)? >