Diamond Ranking
Page Summary
This activity includes writing ideas on Post-it's and placing them in a diamond shape to rank the importance of each.
Good For...

Helping a group prioritise ideas/opinions
You Will Require
- Flip chart or large (A1) piece of paper
- Post-it notes
- Pens
- A large sheet of paper for each group
Decide on a topic for discussion (see below for suggestions)
What To Do
- Ask the group to call out their immediate thoughts or ideas on the chosen topic.
- Record their responses on the flip chart (preferably shortened)
- Ask the children/young people to choose the nine most important/popular ideas in response to the discussion (assuming there are more than nine ideas/thoughts/opinions!)
- Divide into smaller groups and give each group nine Post-it notes. Ask the group to write one of the ideas on each Post-it (have an adult do this if the group are not proficient writers).
- Ask them to arrange their Post-it notes in a diamond shape with the most important idea/thought/opinion at the top, the next two in the second row, three in the third row, two in the fourth and the lowest priority at the bottom (see illustration).
- Have each group explain why they put the Post-it notes where they have.
- Are there similarities between the groups? Is it possible to create one Diamond?
- Reflect - what have you learned? How might that feed in to what you (or the church) do? Who can help things to change?
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